
Case study on our successful partnership with the Helios University Hospital in Wuppertal

‘Interesting applicant profiles with highly sought-after attributes, e.g. postdocs with a background in the sciences: jobvalley provides top candidates.’

– Ralf Lieberz, Process, Risk and Quality Management
– Prof. Dr Hans Michael Kvasnicka, Director of the Institute

Case Study


The medical and healthcare industry is currently facing a major challenge. Economic factors are key, yet there needs to be enough staff to perform the demanding work with a high degree of responsibility. Perhaps relying on temporary employees or outsourcing recruiting offers a practical solution?

The Institute of Pathology and Molecular Pathology at Helios University Hospital in Wuppertal with its extensive capabilities in the field of tissue and cell analyses has found the answer: partnering with jobvalley to gain access to young professionals.

The client

Helios Kliniken GmbH

Institute of Pathology and Molecular Pathology

Reference Centre for Hematopathology

Clients from throughout Germany

The task

Profile and challenges

  • Students required to support the team

  • Organisation, processes and time management were deemed essential

  • Work in the field of archiving and in the lab

  • Manager required for macropathology in 2020

Why jobvalley?

Following previous highly positive experiences with jobvalley when recruiting student employees, the company's Young Professionals division was the institute's first port of call. Once the key parameters and framework had been defined, the start date was set as 1 January 2021 to account for industry standard notice periods.

jobvalley Young Professionals put forward a number of suitable profiles within a few days. After the first round couldn’t be completed due to the competitive market situation and a vast range of adjustments to the recruiting process, the second phase resulted in once more presenting ideal candidates.

One postdoc stuck out in particular and was taken on by the institute by the start date.

Outcome and future perspectives

The partnership has been beneficial for all parties involved. The jobvalley candidates received professional support with kickstarting their careers and professional development, whereas the institute received the ideal employees to fill its vacant positions.

Compared to in-house recruiting, it benefited from a significant reduction in costs and the time taken to fill posts.

As a result of this success, we plan on working together on future projects, e.g. with the extensive, demanding placement of students in sample collection as of Q1 2021.

The partnership: Key facts

Students initially hired for documentation, archiving and similar administrative tasks

Vacant positions quickly filled in a competitive market

Recruiting with the Young Professionals division started in 2020

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