Eagerly awaiting news on the latest tech & digitisation trends? Interested in facts & figures on the academic job market? Want to receive an insight into the student cosmos and jobvalley? You’ll find all the answers here!

How the student housing market is changing
Rents are up again, but on average students still don't have to spend more hours at a part-time job to afford a roof over their heads.

How to boost your teams with our product highlights
What added value do our product innovations offer customers and students? Here are some insights from Tim Wolter, Vice President Product at jobvalley!

Where students head after graduation
Especially in the new federal states, more students often leave the country after completing their studies than enter it. The trend is rising!

Bye Bye, Compensation Plans!
Are bonus payments and compensation plans still in line with the times? We don't think so, that's why we're doing away with them! Find out why:

Working life expectations of the next generation
Since the figures for the Bundestag elections have become available, there has again been increased discussion about Generation Z's voting behaviour.

jobvalley: Launch of the digital platform
jobvalley is here! Find out here which technological innovations the digital platform for flexible working brings with it!

From Studitemps to jobvalley – launching a new brand
2021 is the year of change: new product features, new brand positioning and a new brand name. We are entering a new era!

Women's quota and parental leave: Equal opportunities
Two controversial issues in relation to equal opportunities at work. Assessments of current employees versus prospective employees.