
Case study on our successful partnership with the Ankerkraut taste factory

‘The candidates are very impressive. As jobvalley knows its employees well, vacancies are not just filled quickly, but also with the right candidate in mind. We’ve particularly enjoyed how easy the communication is.’

– Marta Wilke, Head of HR, Ankerkraut GmbH

Case Study


Spices – popular to this day the world over as a way to boost flavour and as a status symbol. In the past, Hamburg's Speicherstadt was one of the most important distribution hubs in the world, where luck on the high seas and a flair for trade could bring untold riches. That was then. But things have changed in the meantime. Spices have since become everyday goods, interchangeable commodities. Ankerkraut stands out from the crowd. It adds a sense of exclusively back to the spice market, winning the hearts of customers and its own employees.

Seeking to expand its team, Ankerkraut relied on jobvalley, the employer for students, graduates and young professionals. Learn more about the advantages to partnering with us.

The client

Ankerkraut GmbH

Taste factory for spices, rubs, teas & more

Established in 2013, now available at over 4000 locations, in retail shops and at its own stores

Awarded as the best online shop in 2019 and 2020

The task

Profile and challenges

  • Production, Shipping, HR support and Sales required urgent support

  • Requirements for HR: Experience and personable workers

  • Requirements for Shipping & Production: Reliability

  • Challenges: the vacancies needed to be filled within 2 to 3 days

‘Using the tool to hire students couldn’t be easier. It’s great to have a full overview. We have also always been able to rely on assistance from the relevant departments at jobvalley.’

– Marta Wilke, Head of HR, Ankerkraut GmbH

Why jobvalley?

There were a number of reasons Ankerkraut opted for jobvalley beyond the ones listed above. For one, coordination with the contact partners proved to be entirely smooth and completely ad-hoc requests were covered right away. Whenever a sales assistant was urgently required at an Ankerkraut store, jobvalley never failed to find suitable candidates within a day. The workers were always a great addition to the team. In turn, they wanted to get a taste of working at Ankerkraut with its great reputation and gain experience.

Outcome and future perspectives

Five simultaneous orders for employees were placed off the back of one successful project, which continue to be extended. Since the launch of the new jobvalley client portal, Ankerkraut has been able to manage its own shift assignments and benefit from a major rise in efficiency when it comes to scheduling. Unsurprisingly, these added benefits spurred Ankerkraut to take the partnership beyond just students shortly after it launched. Ankerkraut now also relies on graduates and young professionals provided by jobvalley: a vacancy in Supply Chain and Marketing has already been filled.

The partnership: Key facts

Students required for Production, Shipping, HR and Sales

Partnership continually expanded since its launch in 2017, now also involves hiring graduates and young professionals

Situated in Hamburg – a top university city

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